Clorox 2013 Integrated Annual Report is Out!


Clorox_2013_Annual_Report-1 It’s that time of year again …our 2013 integrated annual report is now available and highlights our financial, environmental, social and governance performance. The theme is “Powerful. Purposeful. Proven,” a nod to our powerful brands, purposeful strategy and proven results.

In the last few years, it seems like we’ve been working on our annual report year-round. There’s a lot of planning that goes into it as we apply the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework as well as elements of the Integrated Reporting framework. This year, we’re particularly proud of the fact that select nonfinancial metrics have review-level assurance.

Making this happen was quite a feat since it involved so many folks from different parts of the organization – from our environmental sustainability office and human resources, to our finance and diversity teams. You’ll see that these performance indicators, shown with an “A” symbol within the report, cover areas that include:

• Greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption
• Products with sustainability improvements
• Workforce demographics/diversity
• U.S. product donations
• Safety/recordable incident rate
• Employee engagement

What’s also unique about this year’s report (as well as what made it even more complex from a planning and execution standpoint) is that it covers our accomplishments during our Centennial Strategy period (July 2008 through June 2013) as well as fiscal 2013. And, it previews our long-term financial and corporate responsibility goals and strategic priorities.

Please take a look through our report and let us know what you think via brief survey. We’re always looking to improve our report and want to make sure we’re addressing the needs of all our stakeholders.